Arsip Diskusi Bulanan PKMK 2013
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23 Juli 2013

Principal-agent theory & Self-determination theory

Ri Gopalan, S.S., & Durairaj, V. (2012).

Addressing maternal healthcare through demand side financial incentives: experience of Janani Suraksha Yojana program in India. 

Carroll, J.K., dkk. (2012).

A 5A's communication intervention to promote physical activity in underserved populations.

21 Juni 2013

Implement-Action Fidelity

Ri Hasson, H., dkk. (2012).
Fidelity and moderating factors in complex interventions: a case study of a continuum of care program for frail elderly people in health and social care.

Lipton, R., &Ødegaard, T. (2005).
Causal thinking and causal language in epidemiology: it's in the details.

16 Mei 2013

Intervention Reporting

Riley, B.L., dkk. (2008) Is reporting on interventions a weak link in understanding how and why they work? A preliminary exploration using community heart health exemplars. Implementation Science 3:27 (20 May 2008).

18 April 2013

Health Behavior Theory

Jeffery, R.W. (2004). How can Health Behavior Theory be made more useful for intervention research? International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 1:10 (23 July 2004)

Michie, S., dkk. (2011). The behaviour change wheel: A new method for characterising and designing behaviour change interventions. Implementation Science 6:42 (23 April 2011)

27 Maret 2013

Conjoint Analysis

Murti, B. Penerapan Analisis Konjoin untuk Kebijakan Asuransi Kesehatan

Hanbury, A., dkk. (2012). Challenges in identifying barriers to adoption in a theory-based implementation study: lessons for future implementation studies BMC Health Services Research 12:422 (23 November 2012) 

Provisional PDF

14 Februari 2013


Ward, V.L., dkk. (2009). Knowledge brokering: Exploring the process of transferring knowledge into action. BMC Health Services Research 9:12 (16 January 2009).

17 Januari 2013

Intervention Mapping

Bartholomew, L.K., & Mullen, P.D. (2011). Five roles for using theory and evidence in the design and testing of behavior change interventions. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 71: S20–S33